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August 19, 2018 – The Best Place Ever

WHERE TO?                  THE SENSES.

The Very Best Ever.

Another question I get a LOT is; Where is your favorite place to travel? That is like asking “Which of your children do you favor most?”

The Baths, Virgin Gorda B.V.I.

My answer may seem like a cop-out, but it isn’t really, and it should become yours as well.

My favorite place to travel is the one I haven’t been to yet.


However, if you qualify your question, What is your favorite place for quiet beaches or 1st-century architecture? OK, now I can give you a few places that fit that puzzle.

In other words, asking for one place is like asking “What is better a Ferrari, chocolate or a hug?”

They are all good, for different reasons. Don’t you want all three?

There is also the possibility that you and I do not like the same things… I love bourbon, do you? I don’t “get” modern art. To me, there is no reason for jumping out of a perfectly good plane, or off a bridge. But some people do. I’m a big fan of ancient ruins but not necessarily ALL the history that goes with them…

So don’t ask me, don’t ask a travel agent. Ask YOURself.

As no two states in America are identical, neither are two islands in the Caribbean or, countries in Europe.

The same goes for heritages in S America, religious temples in Asia, governments in Africa…. Hopefully, you get the picture.

So how do you know where to go?

Is it comfortable to go back to the same destination (cottage, timeshare, amusement park)? Yes, it is. But if you want to make “a vacation” an “adventure” you need to replace the “same ol” with “something new.”


Can You Make This Anymore Confusing?

Like picking a ship, or a hotel, selecting your destination is NOT that simple and, (I think) is more important.

What do YOU like?

A 2000-year-old historical building? – Very few Caribbean islands have these.

Beautiful powder white sand beaches? – Not going to find too many of those in Northern Europe.

Exciting cities teeming with many landmarks and wild nightlife? – Alaska is not going to meet your needs.

However, all of these locations are incredible for what they DO offer.

So we need to match YOU up to what pushes YOUR “OH MY GOSH” button.


What kind of activity level do you want?

Seven days in a coma-like trance with no disturbance?

Then again, maybe a week of meditation and massage is what you need?

Of course, banana daiquiris on a beach with the latest Harlequin Romance is a paradise for some.

A few hours of sightseeing and some downtime

or do you need to be going 26 hours a day? (You’ll sleep when you’re dead).


When do You Want to Travel?

Alaska hangs out the “gone fishin” sign during October – April.

Norway’s summer is the second week in July. (sorta).

The Mediterranean is scalding July August and usually the beginning of September.

Spectacular Iguazu Falls.

Winter in the USA is summer in S. America, S. Africa, and Australia.

As a result, “when” may play a big part.

What do YOU want to bring away from it?

Do you want a new perspective on French cooking?

Up-Close experiences seeing whales, eagles, and bears?

A better understanding of the heritage of the country your family’s relatives left to come to America?

THE killer suntan/sunburn and braided hair?

A visit to a landmark you have read about in books since childhood?

Do you want to see the Mona Lisa in person?

Do you want to see how different the rest of the world is from where you call home?


The Best Travel Agents EVER. The Mamas & the Papas.

Moscow’s Saint Basil’s Cathedral.

I could not say it better.

You gotta go where YOU want to go. Do what YOU want to do. With whoever YOU want to do it with.



POP Quiz. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Eyes are looking down.


Question one. If I had a whole day free (no cell phone or email) and I could do anything, I would like to ___________.

(What makes you happy? Food, art, activities like bike riding, history, trying new things, challenging yourself, etc.)

Write down ALL the words/ actions that come to mind.

If you find you are writing “laundry,” “yard work,” or “bill paying,” you need to travel sooner than you think.

Decide what your personal pace/speed/level of difficulty will be?

For example,

Likewise, the town of Fira on the island of Santorini sits on a high cliff.

All three options end up in the same place but differ in “how” they get you there.

Question Two. I would like to take _______ minutes/hours/days to accomplish ____________. (Your answer to question one).



This quiz was pass/fail. If you fill in the two blanks, you pass. If not, you failed. Go back and retake it until you pass.

Hopefully, this will help you narrow down regions of the world. Then look at cruises or tours going to this area.

Do any of them offer your “favorite” activity in more than one place?

Mystical Borobudur Temple.

Pop Quiz Two.

Do the quiz again. If I had another whole day free, I would like to_____. Is there an itinerary out there that includes that as well?

If not, make your own. After all, you’re not a tourist. You’re a traveler.

Earlier I said, “Don’t ask a travel agent.” I did NOT say don’t use a travel agent.

If you know a good agent, take them your “I want to do” list. They will make it YOUR vacation.

Why are you waiting?

Read more on Planning a trip.


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