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November 01, 2020 – Sunrise


WHERE TO?                       TASTE.                        SEE

Good Morning Sunrise.

Maybe talking about sunrises on the day that many people fall back is not good timing. Sunrise is an hour earlier for them today.

But when was the last time you went out of your way to watch a sunrise?

Some would argue that a big comfy bed is the best place to face the morning. Some mornings I agree.

Still, I try to catch a glimpse of the first few rays of light whenever I can.


A Blank Page

A sunrise is how I “want” to face my day. Getting brighter and more colorful as it progresses.

Whether sitting on the roof of your building, in the backyard, or on a commute, take the time to reflect.

You are starting the day with a blank sheet of paper—the dark of night.

Take the time to pull up a blank page. Or if your head is like an etch-a-sketch, give it a good shake.

What will today be like? (I wonder.)

Take a moment to enjoy the nothingness.

A glow in the east.

Then slowly start to sketch some lines—the lighter blue along the horizon.

What will you do good for yourself this morning? – a few pink puffy clouds just above the horizon.

A little color.

What about your afternoon? There are a few things you need to do, but leave some time for yourself.

A cup of tea or coffee, a chapter in that book, or maybe a power nap.  The light blue along the horizon takes on a creamy butter yellow.

Things begin to materialize.


A Sunrise With Color

Now start adding some details to the day. – The Horizon gets more yellow, and the pink clouds turn orange.

Intensity is increasing.

And with your evening, what’s in store? Time with family, a partner, or a friend? – The dark blue sky is now light blue, and the colors seem brighter.

Your day is almost clear.

Put the whole day together – BAM, the sun peeks over the horizon, and you can almost feel it. The colors all come together.

Is there anything you cannot face today? Not after that sunrise.

Ohh, the places you will go.

I can see clearly now.


A Bad Sunrise.

Is there such a thing?

Sure there are days with clouds or downright rain storms. But a misty morning can be just as good at canvas cleaning if you let it.

If possible, sit where you can hear the raindrops hitting the leaves or ground. Likewise, it is cleansing all the “stuff” right out of your head.

Think of it as watercolors.

The sky goes from dark to gray, then shades of gray.

Consider this your charcoal or monochromatic period.

Erase and create.


Import a Sunrise.

Many years ago, I remembered a wealthy Texan who has a team design lighting for his bedroom.

Starting 45 minutes before he would need to be out of bed, the light show would begin.

Light blue color would slowly grow brighter along the bottom of the wall. Pinks, yellows, and oranges would join in until the whole wall is brightly lit.

If you cannot afford tens of thousands of dollars for a show, google “sunrise” on your phone, pad, computer. You should have several million choices.

Sunrise in a misty forest.

Or print a photo you took of a sunrise. Put it where you can see it during your first cup of morning stimulus.


A Sunrise Saunter.

Plan a trip for tomorrow’s sunrise. Walk into the backyard, the end of the lane, or if you’re near water, the river, pond, or lake.

Seriously, plan it. Alone or with someone. What time is sunrise? How long will it take to get to the viewing location? Do you need coffee for the trip? You don’t need a shower to go to the backyard.

How much time do you need to slide out of bed, put on some shoes, and pour some ambition? Then make it to the viewing point without being in an advanced stage of rage or panic?

Start the day fresh, with a plan.

I am blessed. I live near the ocean and treat myself to sunrises often.


Plan a Sunrise Trip.

What? That’s just crazy. I’m not going on a trip to see a sunrise.

O.K. but fun people do.

In Priscilla Queen of the Desert, one of the characters wants to watch the sunrise from the Uluru, Ayers Rock. Daily, people journey to see it rise over Ayers Rock.


Sunrise at Macchu Picchu is a special treat that takes some planning. Long before the hoards arrive, you can feel like you have the place to yourself.

Any time of the day, Macchu Picchu is amazing.


The Taj Mahal is spectacular at any time of the day. But at sunrise, the white marble absorbs the colors of the morning.

The Taj Mahal is almost purple in the morning light.


Angkor Watt in Cambodia takes on additional awe in the early morning light.

The Temples at Angkor Wat.


Borrobaddur feels like an out of this world location in the changing light.

Borobudur in the mist.


How about on a cruise ship? Maybe you didn’t go specifically for a sunrise, but if you’re lucky enough to have a balcony, use it. Or join me on the top deck with a cup of coffee from the Lido.


Closer to The United States

If You are on the big island of Hawaii, chances are you will visit Haleakala volcano. Every morning, people stumble out of bed to make the drive to meet the day from its 10,000 feet elevation.

Sunrise above the clouds.

The Grand Canyon is equally impressive at sunrise or sunset. Watching the shadows crawl across the canyon face and the changing colors are worth a night near the canyon.

Winter sunrise at the Grand Canyon.


Sunrises in Your Own Backyard.

Deep down, there are no bad places to see a sunrise, but some are more spectacular.

I bet there is somewhere in your own state “famous” for sunrises. The east coast of the United States, the west side of the great lakes, or a nearby pond. Is it a mountain, or a nearby hill, or just a wide-open space?

Think harder. There’s probably somewhere even closer to home.

Get up, greet the day. Splash as much paint as you can all over that canvas that is your life.

Seize the sunrise.

Tell the universe this will be the best day yet, and what can it do but oblige.

Tomorrow morning, you can begin again.

And don’t forget your early morning singing song.



Scroll down to the “Please Leave a Reply” section at the bottom. Please tell me your thoughts on: 

“Where did you see your most memorable sunrise?” 


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See the World” Continued on Page T3.           Taste the World” Continued on T11.

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