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May 12, 2019 – Dream Location


WHERE TO?                  THE SENSES.

A Wish is Your Dream

If I were to give you a one-week all-expenses-paid trip, to anywhere in the world, where would you go? What is your dream?

Around the World I’d…

What if I said depart Friday night and return on Sunday the following weekend, so we are talking nine nights and nine days.

Let’s add a few parameters.

You could, if schedules match, fly around the world in about three days. This itinerary does not include leaving the airport during any layover.  Just thinking about jet-lag and airport food is giving me a headache. Let’s skip that.

A world cruise takes 90+ days, so it is out.

Planning your dream vacation.

If “quantity” is your goal, a cruise might be your choice.

If “quality” is more appealing than perhaps 2-3 locations would work for you.

You do not have a private jet or time machine that can get you from Australia to Norway in five hours. Commercial transportation has to figure into your schedule.

So where would you go?

Your Dream Has A Thousand Things to See

Depending on where you live, a seven-night cruise out of any U.S. port including flight to and from the ship is possible.

Glacier Bay National Park from a cruise ship

Also, a seven-night cruise from most European ports is possible. You will fly through the night to reach the port the same day the ship sails. And there is a long flight home the day the cruise ends, but it is do-able. Let’s pretend the airline will get you and your luggage to the same city when they say they will.

As for South America, reaching Buenos Aires, Rio, Santiago or Lima is not the problem. The problem is there are very few seven-night cruises from these ports. Most are very seasonal and a minimum of 10 nights ending in another harbor.

One significant exception is the Galapagos Islands. You will come home tired, but it is possible.

Asia, Africa, and Australia are just too far away to do a cruise and roundtrip air in 9 days.

And one last boundary, it needs to be somewhere you have never been. This is not Spring Break, it is your dream.


Soaring Through an Endless Diamond Sky

A plane will undoubtedly get you places faster. The United States, S. America, Central America, and Europe are all a day or less away. Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Australia are closer to two days each way. If your dream is to see the Sydney Opera House, four-nights in Sydney and the round trip flights are do-able in our time frame. The same goes for Hong Kong, Bali, Tahiti, Cairo, Cape Town, and others.

Fly the ocean in a silver plane

In Europe, hook cities together by train. They are faster, and usually less expensive than planes when you factor in the early check-in and transfers to the airport.

Trains are still a major source of transportation in many parts of the world.

And if this is a once-in-a-life destination, use a local guide. Guide books will show you the sites. A local set of eyes will show you the soul.


Wonder by Wonder

So what is your dream-come-true? Does it include seeing something? Tasting something where it originated? Golfing, or hiking or some activity at a particular place?

Victoria Falls from the Zambia side. The Smoke that Thunders.

Is it listening to the waves on a distant shore or the thunder of a unique waterfall? The feeling of connection with your ancestors as you explore a village from your family’s past?

Take money out of the equation. For just a moment let go and freefall. What is that one place and why?

Can you see it?

Your Dream has Unbelievable Sights and Indescribable Feelings.

Is it a picture from a childhood book or story? The Eiffel Tower, Tower of London, The Leaning Tower or the Acropolis.

The Eiffel Tower was built as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair.

Laura Ingel’s childhood home? Or maybe Beatrix Potter, Agatha Christie or Will Shakespeare’s?

Who are your heroes? Napoleon, Alexander the Great, the Soldiers on the beach at Normandy, or your dad? Do you want to see where they grew up, had their greatest success, or now rest?

The Holy Trinity Church in Stratford upon Avon, the burial spot of William Shakespeare. (1564 – 1616)

Dazzling Places You Never Knew

You must have an idea of that one place for you. But if you don’t, did you know that Africa has lush vineyards?

Winery close to Swellendam, South Africa

Or Europe has a Grand Canyon second in size to one in Arizona?

The Verdon Gorge is in Provence and measures just over 15 miles long.

The Middle East has Greek and Roman ruins.

Palmyra is in current day Syria. Many structures have been rebuilt since bombings in 2015.

There has to be someplace that intrigues you.


And New Horizons to Pursue

How about a round of golf at Saint Andrew’s? Would you like to touch the Western Wall in Jerusalem or climb one of the world’s five tallest peaks?

St Andrews, the birthplace of golf.

Visit the Great Pyramids, hike the Blue Ridge Mountains or the Grand Canyon. The options are limitless.

The Blue Ridge Mountains stretch 550 miles through nine states.

Don’t Go Back to Where You Used to Be

Do you have a place in mind? A place for you! Not your parents, your partner or your children, but for you?

Write it down. Go ahead; I’ll wait. Use the back of an envelope, or a post-it note, with pencil, pen or crayon. Write it down, now!

Now google airfare to that location. (flights between my home airport and where I want to go.) Not at peak times but on the shoulder. For the Northern Hemisphere, look at September – October, or April – May. For locations in the Southern Hemisphere look between September to November, and March to June.

Once again, I will wait. Do it now, not next week.

Where will your dream take you?

Did the prices surprise you? When you look far enough out, and out of peak season, there can be some great deals on airfare. There are also searches you can set up to let you know when airfare to a specific location drops.


If You Can Picture Your Dream…

Find a great picture that inspires you. Maybe it is of the Great Wall, but it could be a Cherry Tree, a tulip field or beach.  Or, perhaps it is a picture of your mother, great-grandmother or her village.

Maybe it’s a picture your grandmother held onto.

Maybe it is a picture of you with a huge smile on your face. When was the last time your face had one of those smiles? It’s time to smile again.

Google the destination. What does it say about the Colosseum, the Monet Gardens, Antartica or that small village three hours from any major town?

Claude Monet’s Home in Giverny. Why don’t you want to visit on March 15th?

It is incredible what you can find on the internet these days, some of it correct.

Learn all you can about this location, so it’s not a strange place you are exploring, but an old friend you are visiting.

Where is the family cemetery and what street has the family home? When is the white truffle or wine harvest festival? Can you play at Augusta National Golf Club? What about the Old Course at St. Andrews or the Stadium Course at Sawgrass?

Can you get a tee time at Pebble Beach with your golf handicap?

Is there a way to avoid crowds at the Eiffel Tower, Vatican Museums or Disney World? (There are.)

Did you know you can visit Highclere Castle without an invitation from one of the Crawleys? You can even sleep on the grounds.

Sip tea where Lady Violet and Isobel do. Find out the link to King Tut at Highclere Castle.

What Do You Want to Be?

We all got that question as a kid. It’s not too late to run away to the circus. There are circus schools in America and Europe, many of which have one and two-day classes.

Want to be a knight or a princess? There are castles you can now sleep and eat.

Ashford Castle in Ireland is now a deluxe hotel.

There are adult space camps on weekends and painting classes in the south of France.


When Did You Last have Your Heart Decide?

You so deserve this trip.

Write it down. Find an inspiring picture and put it where you will see it several times a day. A screen saver?

Learn about the destination. Where is this place, and how can you get there? Where will you stay? When should you go?

Unfortunately, I cannot give you an all-expenses-paid vacation. So how can you afford it?

A penny saved is a penny closer to your dream.

Make a budget. How many days/nights do you need? Is there a hotel (or castle) near the center of town for $20 more a night that makes a $60 a day car rental unnecessary? Do you need to stay at the Ritz Hotel every night of your trip or is one night enough? Offset the cost of the dream location with 2-3 nights at an economy property.

Is breakfast included? Does it need to be? In France or Italy, I want to go to a different bakery each morning. I don’t want American breakfast back at the hotel.

Are you going to an exceptional restaurant one night? Lunch is going to be just enough to get by saving on cash and appetite. You want to enjoy this dinner.

What will it cost? One less double mocha frappe per day? Is it taking lunch to work instead of that $10 fast food meal? Going out Friday or Saturday, but not both?

Click Here for more savings ideas.

Your dream is within reach.

Click Here for some destination Ideas.


Please comment in the section below. What is your dream location and why? Please post. Maybe you will find a kindred soul who shares your dream.




“See Florence Italy” Continued on Page T3         Taste Bordeaux France Continued on T4

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