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February 02, 2020 – Wish List


WHERE TO?                       TASTE.                        SEE

When you wish…

As many of you know, I am not a big fan of the term “bucket list.”  It has a somewhat morbid and permanent goal.

I prefer the term “wish list” or “places I plan to see” list.

My problem is that just about everywhere is on that list.

I can narrow that down (a little) by calling it the “places I have not seen yet” list. The problem is, that’s still a long list.

Some people have a “shortlist.”

My problem, that’s still a long list.

So until the lottery finally gets their act together and call the right numbers, how do I approach it?

That’s a great question.

I have no idea.

Making your dreams come true.

How Do You Plan a Trip?

I guess I do have ideas. But there is no one correct answer.

I have many pigeon holes that I fill with thoughts and destinations. The ones near the bottom are easier to reach, but sometimes the boxes rearrange themselves.

Currently, I am arranging a program for a company I consult for, to New Hampshire. I have never been to New Hampshire.

I have been to 48 states. New Hampshire and New Mexico are not on that list. Not because I do not want to see them, just because they have not been in my direct path, yet. The more I deep-dive through the state, the higher on the to-do list it becomes.

Is this a universal message to see New Hampshire?

Tokyo hosts the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Sometimes it is not so much a place as it is an event. Take the Super Bowl, the Olympics, a hot-air balloon festival, or Easter in Greece. Time restraints may send these to the top of the list.

There are places I want to go for the scenery. About this time last year, I finally made it to the Grand Canyon. Is that because it was far down on the list? Hardly. There were several attempts to reach it before. This trip was the one that finally worked. And it started as a trip to Las Vegas for someone else.

Finally, the Grand Canyon.

The Best Laid Plans

It may be, but maybe not at this time. It took me four attempts to finally reach London, England. Two times I was heading for the door. When I finally got there, I think I appreciated it even more.

Plans change. Plans should be in pencil with a large eraser nearby. January 1 of this year, I was “planning” a trip to Alaska this summer. Two weeks later, the plans changed.

Alaska, so close and yet…

But I took a mini-vacation there during the planning. Armchair traveling is not bad (travel videos, magazines, google maps), but they are not the real thing.

I probably have several hundred itineraries in various stages of completion on my computer, or in a shoebox. Some are just bouncing around between my ears. Some have become great trips… for others.

Got a shortlist? Make a shortplan.

Never throw plans away. If they do not happen today, this month, this year, it may just be the timing. For now, keep them on your wish list.

I have that plan here somewhere…

Why Would You Go There?

In the 10+ years, I was working on cruise ships. I heard the same story often. My husband never wanted to go on a cruise. And 99% of the time, it is because they were on a military ship somewhere in their past. Although some cruise ships are now as big as an aircraft carrier, the experience should be much different.

Why would you plan to go to Japan, Vietnam, Korea, or even Germany? We fought them in a war. That mentality usually opens one of my steam vents. If we want to go down that aisle, let’s add England (slight little conflict with them), France, Spain, etc.

The views the media never show you – Mount Damavand, the highest peak in Iran.

Given a chance, I would jump on a plane to Iran or Iraq today. Are you crazy? That’s a conversation for a different time.

The historical sites, the incredible cuisine, and the people call me. Not the crazy ones looking for their 70 Girls 70, but the warm, generous, loving people I have met. Many of these people used to live there and want to return.

I used to go to Turkey every five days, leading other Americans to Ephesus, and other incredible sites. There was dining with my local friends, who would invite me to their homes.

Hot air balloons over Cappadocia Turkey.

I find most Muslims do not hate Americans. However, if someone is aiming a machine gun at your head, you will say what they want you to say.

Why does the media only paint the bad?

Look at Cuba and Venezuela. These are two great destinations that are closer to home.

The destinations are amazing. Unfortunately, a small handful of people at the top are ruining them for everyone.

The German village of Colonia Tovar, in Northern Venezuela.

Don’t be a Hater

And it would be wrong to mention these destination spoilers or ill-found “hatreds” without mentioning my own.

After several grueling contracts on a Greek cruise ship, I was pretty toasty. I also found out the term they were saying along with my name, was not an endearment.

If there was anywhere on this globe, this galaxy, this universe I was not going, it was to Greece…

In April, I head there for my 100000th time, voluntarily.

Don’t hate a place. Don’t hate its people due to a few.

I HEART Greece

Plan with a Picture

Close your eyes and picture yourself on a South Pacific island, the Eiffel Tower, or Grand Canyon. Where do you want to go the most? See yourself there.

Once you see it, you can believe it. Stick a picture on the refrigerator or next to your computer. Watch a travel video or look at a glossy travel brochure.

If pictures aren’t magical, why are there so many?

A friend tapes a cut-out photo of herself on pictures of where she wants to go. Eventually, she has her photo taken in that spot.

Once you plant the seed, what can the universe do but respond?

So before you plan, dream.

Fly me to the moon…

Back to the Plan (Shortplan)

Today’s blog began because yesterday, someone said they were moving a location to their shortlist.

That’s great!

This person, to my knowledge, has never been more than 100 miles from home.

That’s not great.

They don’t have a shortplan.

That’s sad.

Too many lists can lead to paralysis.

I am not saying, don’t make lists. I have them everywhere.

Not saying, don’t dream. I go on 50-60 trips every single day.

I am not saying you should not wish. Wishes help to clarify the dreams.

Make lists and call them whatever you want to. But I do think life-affirming names are better than the alternative.

Shortplan, extended plan, plan in groups, but plan.

I often end up somewhere different from where I started for.

I am a supposed expert on travel, and yet I find, uncover, learn about new places and things daily. Sometimes in my backyard.

The closer you get to your shortplan, the more real it becomes.

You need the money, and we have covered that in other blogs.

But you gotta have a dream and then a plan. The plan also helps make clear how much money you need.

Somewhere over the Montana de Siete Colores (Rainbow Mountains) Peru.

Then get the list down to a short one and finally a shortplan.

Where do you wish to go? Start Planning.


See the World” Continued on Page T3          Taste the World” Continued on T11


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“Do you have a shortlist or shortplan? What are you doing to make it shorter?” 


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