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August 30, 2020 – Pull Out That Trip


WHERE TO?                       TASTE.                        SEE

Remember? Do you remember?


You have been talking about it for years now.

You have been whining about nothing to do for the last 5+ months.

Take the rest of today and take that trip.

The trip down memory lane.

That envelope, shoebox, drawer, storage bin, a storage unit full of photos you are going to sort.

Don’t even try that “who me?” look. Yes, you!

You have a multi-million dollar vacation at your fingertips.


Let’s Start At The Very Beginning.

NO! You do not need to run to the craft shop and buy a photo album. If you’re like me, you have several in their factory wrap in the closet.

Four years old and I own my first touring coach. Coincidence?

We are going to square one.

Clear a space, a BIG area.

Get the loose photos from the desk. Now get the pictures from the drawer. Next, get the ones in the front or on top of the photo albums.

Do you have ALL the loose photos in one room?

Now, write a 300-word essay on each one. There was that small moment of fear, wasn’t there?

Let me see if I can make it a little bit easier.

A jumble of memories.


To-Do List

  1. Take a trip down Memory Lane.
  2. Organize.
  3. Downsize.
  4. Invest in the future.
  5. Share.


Memory Lane Photos.

There are no bad photos. There may be bad things in a photo, but the picture overall is good.

O.K., the hair is not perfect. Someone is closing their eyes. Did you see what she is wearing?

But look who is in the photo. Does one person in that photo bring a smile to your face?

Remember that person you would go to the pool with?

What about the setting?

You are sitting at the game, standing on the porch, swimming at the lake, holding the police number.

How did that photo get in there?

Unless it involves a private investigator, there is probably some good reason or memory for the photo.


Organize Photos.

There is no right or wrong way to do this. For each person, it will be a little different.

If you have been a little lax, and the pile is so high, you cannot see the opposite wall, well.

Maybe divide them into pictures with people and images of scenery.

Ohh, there’s always someone getting in my photos.

If the stack is a little less daunting, divide them into 2019, or Summer 2019, or July 2019. Or, maybe by each event in July of 2019.

Maybe you will have a family pile, and one for friends. It is entirely up to you.

But start.


The Importance of Photos.

There will come a time when you do not have enough photos of the grandparents, Dad, Mom, or siblings.

It does not matter how many you have. You will want more.

It does not matter if they lost your baseball, stole your boyfriend, or got Mom’s best china, take the photos.

If you have someone you are missing, then perhaps you understand this.

Light the candles, It’s today!

My mom and her sister were not fans of being in photos. I wish I had more.

Photos of ourselves are rarely for ourselves. Keep that in mind if you like avoiding photographers.


Downsizing the Photos.

Most cruise ships would visit the same ports on a regular or semi-regular schedule.

When I am taking photos, I rarely say, I think I have a picture of this.

After developing the film, I realize I was taking the same picture in Glacier Bay almost every week.

We used to think that conserving film was a legitimate reason not to take too many photos.

Do you ever wish you had one more picture of something?

And here is an Acropolis photo.


and another Acropolis photo, and….

Today, there is no reason not to take ten pictures of everything.

Your phone takes pictures. Someday soon, your watch, your glasses, and your dental work will take pictures.

Ohh, and there are cameras. And they can all hold a bazillion images.

Do you think a photographer for Vogue or National Geographic takes one photo to get “that shot?”

Keep photos of people, but be kind.

If it looks like they are stepping barefoot on a Lego, or downwind from the livestock barn, discard. They may have a similar one of you.

If you have 20 almost identical photos of a statue, choose the best three. Four hundred images of the same sunset…

All of a sudden, the pile is not as scary.


Future Investment.

There was a time when I could tell you everything I did last week within a few minutes. Now, I’m trying to remember breakfast this morning, and I was the cook.

The same is valid for photos.

If it is a print, write Grandma Sue, on the back.

Also, if you can add where and when, or why (birthday), it will repay you years from now.

When was I here? Where is this? Why am I wearing that funny hat?

And it helps your kids, partners, Special Victims Unit when you are not there to explain.

I have a box of those. Who are these people, relatives? The neighbors, or a best friend?

If they are digital photos, rename them as the subject. Instead of 3646fhdh35626, save them as Grandma Edna, or Lover’s Leap Summer of ’69.

Do not be afraid to be specific. Grandma Edna (Dad’s Mom) or “At Grandma’s Edna’s house in Sun City, 2018.

If it is an ex, opinions are not necessary, especially if it questions their parent’s marital status.


Share Photos.

Take someone along on the trip with you. The photos are doing no good in a drawer.

Having to get doubles is a phrase we do not use anymore. It is so easy to share.

How many social media outlets are there? As long as the photo is respectable, that’s an option.

E-mail it to someone with a note.

I sure would like to go back to the Grand Canyon with you, Thelma. Or fun traveling down this old road, thank you for being a friend.

A family trip or seeing the U.S.A. with a friend?

You can mail photos.

Or, if all else fails, share them in person with a dessert or beverage. Trip to France photos need a glass of French wine. And an eclair.

If you are lucky enough to have family members still with you, take a trip with them. Meet your long lost relatives.

Share the moments of your life.



There is no time limit on this assignment but start today. Collect the photos all in one pile or folder on the computer.

Next Sunday, or next month, or rainy day, do the next step.

While reading this article, did you think of a specific picture?

Any memories pop-up?

When you finish writing your over-the-top review or comment about this blog, find it.

Let it take you somewhere.

Maybe travel back to school, camp, the lake, Christmas, home, or that trip to Athens, Georgia.

Million dollar vacations can take place at the lake. Remember dad trying to make a fire?

No one deserves a trip today more than you.

And if you can share it, even better.

Happy Travels.


See the World” Continued on Page T3          “Taste the World” Continued on T11


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